School Events 2024-25
Keep up to date with what's happening at LVPS. These are provisional dates that could be subject to change. The last Friday of every month is a dress down day.

Date | Event |
Wednesday 25th September 6 pm | Parent Council Meeting (Community Room 2) All welcome |
Wednesday 25th September 2:15 pm | P1 Parent Curriculum Market Place |
Friday 27th September | McMillan Coffee Morning (all welcome) |
Friday 4th October 9:15 | P7 Class Assembly and sharing learning(P7 parents and carers welcome) |
Tuesday 8th October 5:30 pm - 8:00pm | Parent-Teacher Consultations |
Wednesday 9th October 4:00 pm - 6:30 pm | Parent-Teacher Consultations |
Thursday 24th October | Parent Council Halloween Disco |
Friday 8th November | P5 Class Assembly and sharing learning(P5 parents and carers welcome) |
Friday 29th November | Christmas Fayre |
Wednesday 4th December | P1 Christmas Nativity |
Thursday 5th December | P1 Christmas Nativity |
Tuesday 10th December 1:45pm | P6 and P7 Show |
Wednesday 11th December 5:45pm | P6 and P7 Show |
Tuesday 17th December 1pm | P4 and P5 Christmas party |
Wednesday 18th December 1pm | P6 and P7 Christmas party |
Wednesday 18th December (TBC) | P3-5 Choir singing outside Care Home |
Thursday 19th December 1pm | P1 Christmas Party (community room) |
Thursday 19th December 1pm | P2 and P3 Christmas Party |
Friday 17th January 9:15 am | P4 Class Assembly and sharing learning(P4 parents and carers welcome) |
Thursday 23rd January 6pm | Parent Council Meeting (community room) |
Thursday 23rd January | P7 Community Burn's Supper |
Friday 24th January | Scottish Assembly (pupils and staff only) |
Friday 7th February 9:15 am | P3 Class assembly and sharing learning(P3 parents and carers welcome) |
Friday 28th February 9:15 am | P3/2 Class Assembly and sharing learning (P3/2 parents and carers welcome) |
Wednesday 5th March Curriculum Evening | All welcome- learners will all be involved |
Friday 21st March 9:15 | P6 Class Assembly and sharing learning (P6 parents and carers welcome) |
Friday 28th March | Chocolate Tombola |
Tuesday 1st April 5:30 pm-8:00 pm | Parent-teacher consultations |
Wednesday 2nd April 4:00 pm- 6:30 pm | Parent-teacher consultations |
Thursday 3rd April | P1-3 Easter Service (church) All P1-3 parents/carers welcome |
Monday 28th April - Friday 2nd May | P6 Camp (Whithaugh Park) |
Wednesday 7th May- Friday 9th May | P7 Cluster Camp |
Friday 2nd May 9:15 am | P2/1 Class Assembly and sharing learning(P2/1 parents and carers welcome) |
Thursday 15th May 6pm | Parent Council Meeting |
Friday 16th May 9:15 am | P1 Class Assembly and sharing learning (P1 parents and carers welcome) |
Friday 6th June | House Captain's Tea Party for volunteers |
Monday 9th June - Friday 20thJune | Fitness Fortnight (all classes come dressed for sports/fitness activities) |
Tuesday 10th June 1:15 pm | Sports Day (all P1-7 parents and carers weclome) |
Friday 20th June 10:30 am | P7 Leavers Service (all P7 parents and carers welcome) |
Thursday 26th June 2 pm (provisional time) | P4-P7 Church service (all P4-7 parents and carers welcome) |
Friday 27th June | School Talent Show |